User's Guide
The Alerion User's guide is very helpful with screen captures and detailed
information about the features in Alerion. You access the user's guide while in
Alerion by:
Pressing [F1]
To email your questions about the Alerion software, send an email to:
Monday through Friday 8:00am to 11:30am and 1:00pm to 4:00pm PACIFIC TIME.
(800) 922-4556
Software Upgrades and Service Packs
If you have an Internet connection on the computer you are using Alerion, you
can download the latest version of Alerion by clicking:
Start | All Programs | Alerion Point-of-Sale
| Alerion Web Update
You will need to perform this upgrade on each computer running Alerion.
Phoenix Information Systems, LLC, All rights reserved.
- Version20200326